
Marketing and Sales job site

About Jobmarketingvente

Jobmarketingvente: the job site that will drive your career in marketing and sales

At Jobmarketingvente, we are well aware that each candidate has their own skills, aspirations and background. Whatever your profile, we help you stand out in the marketing and sales professions.

Our mission? Connecting talents with companies looking for committed and passionate professionals! We are convinced: behind each CV hides a professional story that deserves to be told. So, connect and launch yourself towards new opportunities!


Notre mission ? Connecter les talents du marketing et de la vente avec les entreprises à la recherche de professionnels engagés et passionnés ! Nous en sommes convaincus : derrière chaque CV se cache une histoire professionnelle qui mérite d’être racontée. Boostez votre carrière, suivez-nous !


Job Board Type


Job board Information

Year Founded



Score breakdown

Jobmarketingvente has received 0 reviews with an average rating of out of 5


Very good0%




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